Dr. Simon He

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of California, Los Angeles

Current research at UCLA


  • PhD Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2022
    • Thesis: "Receptivity of Straight Blunt Cones to Broadband Freestream Pulse Disturbances for Transition Prediction in Hypersonic Flow"
  • MS Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2017
  • BS Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2016

Research Interests

  • Receptivity to broadband freestream distrubances
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Hypersonics
  • Vortex panel modeling


  • S. He and X. Zhong, "The effects of nose bluntness on broadband disturbance receptivity in hypersonic flow", Physics of Fluids, 34, 054104 (2022).
  • S. He and X. Zhong, "Numerical Study of the Receptivity of a Blunt Cone to Hypersonic Freestream Pulse Disturbances", AIAA paper 2021-0742, January 2021.
  • S. He and X. Zhong, "Effects of Freestream Acoustic Distrubances on Hypersonic Boundary Layer Stabiltiy", AIAA paper 2020-2996, June 2020.
  • S. He and X. Zhong, "Hypersonic Boundary Layer Receptivity over a Blunt Cone to Freestream Pulse Disturbances", AIAA paper 2020-2057, January 2020.


  • Dungeons and Dragons